Monday, July 12, 2010

Tracking impact of network connecting

Successive work days provide 2 examples of "leveraging my network"...thinking it would be good to track these more consistently both to serve as examples and try to track impact.

Friday Elaine called to discuss ILC need to find new space, quickly. Was her first call. We discussed a few ideas, agreed to put together a community network meeting to discuss further.

Monday saw this tweet below from Room to Grow, and forwarded it through a few channels to my network.

Room to Grow Bos has urgent need for Spanish books for ages 0-3, toothbrushes, & pjs. Donate new & nearly new items.

Other recent network leveraging includes trying to get word out better about the free lunch program at Shamrock (no one there day 1; about 10 by weeks end)...outreach for that resulted in getting schools to make announcement via their parent phone system.

Also, in interesting example of Twitter dynamics, 2 people noticed my post about having been @PIH, including one who asked if I could help her make a connection there for a position she was seeking, which I will do.

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